Friday, March 20, 2020

The Signs Were There All Along

Greed was there.

Lawlessness was there.

Godlessness was there.

We had forgotten God.

Man had been pre-occupied with things of the world.

We were ripe for correction.

The dark force saw his opportunity.

People had been asleep.

Actually, the dark force was at work since the time of Genesis, when he confused Eve.

And, of course, who can forget his rebellion, even earlier.

And now?

There is a separating of the wheat, from the chaff.

Are you for God, or are you against God?

People are being called back to their homes.

People are being called back to their families.

People are being called back to their nations.

Don't you see what's happening?

We are being called to be localized, not globalized.

Globalization was never God's idea.

There is no global unity, without God in the midst of it.

Foolish, foolish man's worldly, borrowed power, amounts to nothing in the face of God.

It is borrowed power, for there is a prince of the world -- the one who uses us -- to mock and defy God.

A world without God, is a decaying world.

A world with God, is Jesus' world. 

We have forgotten the Son, who gave up His life for us, that we may live, and live abundantly.

We have set Him aside, and His prophecies, and instructions.

And, perhaps, this is the time of its fulfillment.

Who can save us now?

Only the Creator can.

By ourselves, we are nothing.

Who breathed life into us?

Only the Creator has.

The dark force has fed upon our lust and greed for power, and for all things that belong in his world.

But it is not too late.

Call upon Jesus.

Get back into his heart.

We strayed.

He never did.

 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, 
and to day, 
and for ever."

Hebrews 13:8 
King James Version

Author's gift to you:
If you wish to read a sample chapter from each of my 22 books on Amazon, just click this link. Those books were based on dreams, images, and are focused on spiritual warfare -- on how we are all being manipulated by the dark forces. It's time you knew those ways, for astoundingly, they are so relevant today. Even I am surprised, and I wrote those. Of course, the Holy Spirit guided me each time, otherwise, how can one author write 22 books in 36 days?! To this day, I don't know how I managed that. Please stay ever closest to God each day!

Updated 18 January 2022